Thursday, January 06, 2011

It all started on New Year's Eve when we were scheduled to fly down to Florida to visit her parents. Actually, she had vomited the night before and visited the hospital just to get checked out before the flight since we were 6 weeks from her due date. At that time, they actually saw contractions on a non-stress test, but dismissed it as nothing to be concerned about since she didn't feel them.
But Friday morning at 5 AM as we were getting ready to leave for the airport, she wasn't really feeling 100% but we headed to the airport anyway. We were excited to get away one last time before the baby. The airport was a mob scene since there was a massive snowstorm the week before and I waited in a very long line to check in our bags. This is when it all really started to happen. I could see she was beginning to get distressed but was hoping it would subside. After finally checking in our bags, I met her at a Dunkin Donuts where she told me she thought she was having contractions. I was about 8:30 AM and our flight had been delayed until 9:50 AM, so we decided to have a cup of coffee and see what happened. After about a half hour, I could see that she was having pain at regular intervals and decided that I should get our bags and head to the hospital.
We parked at a long-term parking place called Preflight Parking which 10 minutes from the airport and had to take a shuttle there. As we boarded the shuttle, Ali's pain was getting stronger still and I asked the shuttle driver if we were headed straight to the parking lot because my wife was pregnant and wasn't feeling well. He said yes and we were on our way.
It was the longest 15 minute shuttle ride I've ever taken and even the shuttle driver was nervous, looking back at us constantly. He asked if we wanted him to call ahead to get emergency services, but Ali said no. When we finally arrived at our car, I was in panic mode. The nice guys at the parking place promised to refund our money (which they did), wished us luck, and sent us our on way.